Weekend Wander:

Bearing witness to life on the street

Led by Reverend Jitsujo Gauthier & John Kyogen Rosania

4:00 pm PST Friday, November 15-

12:00 pm PST Sunday, November 17

In-person Only




4 p.m. Friday: Meet at ZCLA

12 p.m. Sunday: Retreat ends


This is a modified street retreat in which we will have the opportunity to bear witness to life on the streets of Los Angeles. Each day we will walk through the city, eat at soup kitchens, sit, walk, rest, practice council, chant, and engage in begging practice. Then at the end of the day we will head back to ZCLA to sleep outside in the garden. We will bring simply our presence as an offering to all that we encounter along with a few simple items.


Important consideration: We will be walking for much of the day and sleeping on the grass in the ZCLA garden.

DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Friday, September 20

Click here to register.


Jitsujo T. Gauthier is a Zen priest, preceptor and Dharma Holder at the Zen Center of Los Angeles, as well as a member of the Zen Peacemakers International. She is also an Associate Professor and Co-chair of the Buddhist Chaplaincy department at University of the West in Los Angeles county. She explores and practices of the Three Tenets in the classroom, chaplaincy work, as well as within seated meditation.



John Kyogen Rosania has been the 2023-2024 Head Trainee under the guidance of Sensei Katherine Daiki Senshin Griffith. He has been a resident at ZCLA since 2015. He began Zen practice at age 19, experienced sitting with various Zen communities throughout his twenties, and began steadier formal practice with Sensei Daishin Buksbazen at Ocean Moon Sangha in Santa Monica. He is currently ZCLA’s Board Secretary and works as a psychotherapist in community mental health and in private practice.This spring he was given priest ordination by Reverend Jitsujo Gauthier.




If interested, email Jitsujo (jitsujo8@gmail.com) or Kyogen (jrosan@protonmail.com).