Day Group Mission Statement
In the Ratna Sphere of all enriching wisdom, the Day Group supports the everyday activities of the Zen Center. We do this compassionately, effectively, and professionally.
Office hours of the ZCLA staff are Wednesday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
General phone line: (213) 387-2351
General email:
For Hours of Operation and Security Policy for the Zen Center of Los Angeles click here.
The Day Group Members are:
Sensei Tom Dharma-Joy Reichert
Abbot; Head Priest
Sensei Tom Dharma-Joy Reichert first came to ZCLA in 1999. He received Jukai in 2001, Novice Priest Ordination (Tokudo) in August 2011 and full Priest/Preceptor Empowerment (Denkai) in August 2019, all from Roshi Egyoku. He was named a Dharma-Holder in June 2020, was installed as ZCLA’s Head Priest and Preceptor (Jūshoku) in April 2022, received Dharma Transmission (Denbo) from Roshi Egyoku in December 2022 and ascended to become ZCLA's fifth Abbot in May 2023.
Darla Myoho Fjeld
Temple Development Steward
Myoho received Jukai in 2005 and Tokudo in 2013. Myoho serves as the Zen Center’s Temple Development Steward. She oversees outreach, membership, fundraising, donor funds, and the Legacy Circle. Myoho served on the Executive Circle for 13 years, on the Board for 14 years.
Robert Diaz
Property Manager/Facilities Supervisor
Robert cares for the overall maintenance of the Zen Center's grounds. He is also the Zen Center's Facilities Manager, overseeing the maintenance of our buildings.
Karina Myoki Beltran Hernandez
Program Steward/Office Manager
Myoki is responsible for the operations support of the many Zen Center programs, including announcements, registration, organization and logistical arrangements. She also lends support to members and newcomers. Myoki is responsible for all business transactions at the Zen Center. She also helps to update and steward the Zen Center's web site and calendar and is the main contact in the office.
Tom Yudo Burger
Guest Steward
Yudo is an expert at taking care of our overnight guests, our guests in the Guest Program, and all of the guest quarters, which are sparkling clean. He is the person to contact if you would like to stay at the Zen Center. He is also our Production Artist for the Water Wheel, assists in Development, Parking Steward and Photography Steward.
Ty Jotai Webb
IT and Membership Support
Jotai offers technical support for the staff and looks out for all our IT needs. He also offers support to the Membership Steward and Circle, as well as being extremely helpful in numerous capacities. He has previously served on the Executive Circle, ZCLA Board, the Buddha Hand Circle and as Program Steward.
Dharma Holder Lorraine Gessho Kumpf
Senior Resident
Dharma Holder Lorraine Gessho Kumpf has been a member of ZCLA since 1978. She received Jukai from Maezumi Roshi in 1980, became a Preceptor in 2020 and a Dharma Holder in 2022. She is the Steward of the HEAR Circle, which is concerned with ethics policies and practices in the Sangha. She was installed as Senior Resident, overseeing the Resident Training Program, in 2022.