Membership Information & Fee Structure
SENIORS (65 and over on fixed incomes) may receive a 20% discount on most Zen Center fees.
White Plum Sangha members receive ZCLA member rates for all activities.
No sincere practitioner will be turned away for lack of funds.
Please inquire with the office for support from the Dharma Training Fund.
If you have any questions, please contact the Program Steward at 213-387-2351 or by email at programsteward@zcla.org
Sustaining ($220/month; $270/family)
Sustaining members make a substantial financial commitment to the Center. Benefits include:
- All program fees waived
- Two nights monthly free stay at Center (by arrangement)
- Weekly dokusan/interviews
- Water Wheel; all mailings
Supporting ($110/month; $160/family)
Like the Sustaining Member, supporting members commit financially to the Center’s support. Benefits include:
- 7-days free sesshin per year, then Plan A (see below)
- Two nights monthly free stay at Center (by arrangement)
- Weekly dokusan/interviews
- Water Wheel; all mailings
Practicing (includes Residents) ($65/month; $85/family Note: family rate does not apply to Residents)
Practicing members maintain an ongoing practice and come as often as possible to the Center. Benefits include:
- Weekly dokusan/interviews
- Water Wheel; all mailings
- Plan A (see below)
- One night monthly free stay at the Center (by arrangement)
Affiliate ($40/month; $50/family)
Affiliate members are unable to visit the Center often due to distance or schedules. Benefits include:
- Dokusan/interviews twice a month
- Water Wheel; all mailings
- Plan B (see below)
Corresponding ($20/month)
Corresponding members maintain a connection with the Center, but are unable to come often. Benefits include:
- Water Wheel; all mailings
- Plan C (see below)
Please note: fees may vary for special classes and retreats that are offered from time to time.
Plan A (Supporting & Practicing Members) | $50/day |
Plan B (Affiliate Members) | $55/day |
Plan C (Corresponding) | $60/day |
Plan D (non-members) | $85/day |
Housing fee:$20/night; Linen rental fee:$10 for duration of stay, Oryoki rental $15 |
Members | $55 per day, not to exceed $800 per month |
Non-Members | $75 per day, not to exceed $865 |
Guest Program | $865 per month |
Zen Practice (ZP 1& 2) | $20 suggested donation |
Practice Day (ZP 3)* | $20 for students & seniors |
New Member Series (ZP 4) | Free for members |
100 Hours/100 Days of Zazen (ZP 5) | Free |
Tangaryo | Dana |
* Deposit required for reservation |
Jukai (SILA 4) | Sliding scale: $200 – $500 |
Tokudo | $500+ |
Wedding** | Sliding Scale: $750+ members; $1.000+ nonmembers |
Funeral** | $500 – $1,500 members (varies with services performed) |
Memorial Service** | $50 – $250 (varies with services performed) |
Prayer List | Sliding Scale: $30 – $100 |
Book of the Past | Sliding Scale: $125 – $250 |
Baby Blessing | Sliding Scale: $200+ |
** Additional for long distance travel, rental of ZCLA for non-members, and all extraordinary expenses |
Sesshin & Zazenkai
To reserve space for sesshin or zazenkai, sign up on the Sangha House bulletin board or send in an application one week before sesshin or zazenkai starts. A $25 non-refundable late registration fee will be added if you register after the posted deadline. The sesshin fee is due in full at registration. After sesshin has started, we do not accept further registrations. The late fee is not applicable to the sesshin/zazenkai fee.
Additionally, for non-members a $50 non-refundable deposit is due upon placing a reservation unless otherwise noted. This deposit is applicable to the sesshin/zazenkai fee.
How the payments can be made.
- You may pay in advance by check or credit card
- If you would like to mail a check, please mark the program clearly on the face of the check.
- Visa, MasterCard and American Express Card payments can be accepted over the phone or through the bookstore. (Please do not email your credit card information as the privacy of this information cannot be guaranteed.) If you are paying program fees through the bookstore, please tell the bookstore people to mark the receipt clearly as such.
- Upon registration for sesshin or zazenkai you will find a fee envelope with your name in your welcome envelope. Please put the balance due in the fee envelope and place it in the marked fee box next on the registration table.
- For other programs, a check can be given to the person helping with registration or placed in a green dana envelope and placed in the secure box located next to the bulletin board. Please mark the envelope clearly with your name and identify the program.