The Hidden Lamp Study Group
Stewarded by Sensei Katherine Senshin Griffith & Sensei Tom Dharma-Joy Reichert
Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
On Zoom
NOTE: Participants do not need to register, all may join via Zoom.
We are beginning a long-term study of “The Hidden Lamp: Stories from 25 Centuries of Awakened Women,” a collection of 100 koans centered on the experiences of women practitioners, which are accompanied by 100 commentaries by contemporary women teachers. This will be a study group where we activate the awakened wisdom of the whole. Koan experience is not required; all are welcome to join. We will meet via Zoom every other Thursday evening, calendar permitting, and explore a new koan each week. No sign-up needed. The paper edition of the book is no longer in print, however, you can purchase an electronic copy (Kindle, Apple Books, etc.)
Meeting ID: 830 6551 2700
Passcode: Chiyono
October 24 (Chapter 48: The Old Woman’s Relatives)
November 7 (Chapter 49: Kisagotami’s Mustard Seed) & November 21 (Chapter 50: Satsujo Weeps)
February 6 (Chapter 51: Ziyong’s Last Teaching) & February 27 (Chapter 52: Lingzhao Goes First)
March 13 (Chapter 53: Yuanji Knocks the Body Down) & March 27 (Chapter 54: Anne Aitken’s “Get On and Go”)
April 10 (Chapter 55: Permanence and Impermancence) & April 24 (Chapter 56: Patacara’s Presence of Mind)
June 5 (Chapter 57: Asan’s Dewdrop) & June 26 (Chapter 58: The Goddess’s Transformations)
July 17 (Chapter 59: Soma Rebukes Mara)
August 7 (Chapter 60: Ziyong’s Ship of Compassion) & August 21 (Chapter 61: Tara’s Vow)
September 4 (Chapter 62: Dogen Sets the Record Straight) & September 63 (Chapter 44: Mahapajapati Opens the Door)
October 2 (Chapter 64: Changjingjin’s No Obstructions)
November 6 (Chapter 65: Moshan’s Mountain Summit) & November 20 (Chapter 66: Miaozong’s Disappointment)
December 18 (Chapter 67: The Naga Princess’s Enlightenment)
This class is provided without a fee, but please consider making a small donation to ZCLA to support our programs.
Sensei Senshin started studying Zen in the Rinzai tradition at New York Zendo Shobo-Ji in Manhattan in 1987. At Dai Bosatsu Zendo, she received Jukai in 1994 from Eido Shimano Roshi, with whom she studied until 2000 when she moved to Los Angeles. She became a member of ZCLA in 2001 and began her studies with Roshi Egyoku. During her time in New York, Sensei Senshin also studied with various Tibetan teachers and at Fire Lotus Zendo. She was the Program Steward from 2010 till this year. On the Teacher’s Circle since 2016, Sensei Senshin was empowered as Dharma Holder in 2018 and as an independent Zen teacher and Preceptor in 2019. She is a member of the Lay Zen Teachers Association (LZTA), the American Zen Teachers Association (AZTA), the White Plum Asanga (WPA) and the Zen Peacemaker’s Order of Disorder. She was installed as Head Teacher on April 10.
Sensei Tom Dharma-Joy Reichert first came to ZCLA in 1999. He was installed as ZCLA’s Head Priest and Preceptor in April 2022 and became ZCLA’s fifth Abbot in May 2023.
(If you have any questions, please contact programsteward@zcla.org)