
All day sitting with Dharma Holder Lorraine Gessho Kumpf
(Available in-person only.)

Saturday, January 25 • 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.


Traditionally, Tangaryo is an all-day sitting done by members upon entering the temple. At ZCLA, while Tangaryo is required of new members, it is open to all, and group Tangaryo days are frequently attended by long-time zen students. You may sit on your own, under the guidance of an experienced practitioner.

During this day, practice is unstructured: no bells, no teacher. Typically the sitting lasts from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with an hour off for lunch and a tea/discussion to end the day. Silent, informal lunch is provided. The day starts at 8:00 a.m. with orientation and ends around 4:30 p.m. with tea and cookies.*


8:00 AM – Arrive, park and settle.

8:30 AM – Tangaryo orientation for those who are new to this practice: guidelines for the day, and time for any questions. 

9 AM – Sitting meditation, with self-determined walking meditation (bathroom breaks as needed)

12 noon – Silent lunch (provided for full-time participants) and break

1 PM – Sitting / walking meditation

4 PM – Four vows, end of sitting, followed by tea and conversation with a teacher or senior practitioner

Please consider donating $20 to help support our programs & reserve your seat in the zendo.

Click here to request Dharma Training Fund.


In-person participation is limited. Please register early to guarantee a seat in the Zendo.



Please note: All participants must be fully vaccinated and be prepared to show proof of vaccination upon arrival. If you have and questions or concerns, please contact Myoki at programsteward@zcla.org.

*Non-members and new members: Attending an in-person “Introduction to Zen Meditation Class” is a prerequisite for attending all onsite activities. However, you may attend this all-day sitting in lieu of waiting for our next in-person offering.


This program is provided without a fee, but please consider making a small donation to ZCLA to support our programs.

Enter any additional notes regarding your sesshin registration including food allergies, expected arrival and departure times, and method of payment if applicable:

Dharma Holder Lorraine Gessho Kumpf has been a member of ZCLA since 1978. She received Jukai from Maezumi Roshi in 1980, became a Preceptor in 2020 and a Dharma Holder in 2022. She is the Steward of the HEAR Circle, which is concerned with ethics policies and practices in the Sangha. She was installed as Senior Resident, overseeing the Resident Training Program, in 2022.