Opening to Oneness


by Nancy Mujo Baker

Stop trying to become ā€œbetterā€ by suppressing or hiding parts of yourself, and learn what it means to be fully human with this accessible guide to the core ethical teachings of Zen Buddhism.

InĀ Opening to Oneness, Zen teacher Nancy Baker offers aĀ detailedĀ path of practice forĀ Zen students planning to take the precepts and for anyone, Buddhist or non-Buddhist, interested in deepening their personal study of ethical living. She reveals that there are three levels of each precept: a literal level (donā€™t kill, not even a bug), a relative level that takes moral ambiguity into accountĀ (what if itā€™s a malaria-spreading mosquito?), and an ultimate levelā€”theĀ paradoxicalĀ level of nonduality, in which the precepts are naturally expressed from a state of oneness.

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