Three Steps to Mindfulness II

Three Steps to Mindfulness 

Level II Workshop

For those who have taken Level I, or by permission of Roshi.

Continuous, clear awareness of the present moment.

Saturday, September 28

9: 00a.m.-4:00p.m.

Led by Roshi Ryodo Hawley

Zoom & In-person

The Three Step method is a roadmap to a mindful life based on the experience of unity that is the foundation of Zen. In this follow-up to the level I workshop we strengthen our understanding of the 3-step realms through individual and group exercises, extend the method into body and emotional work, and see how these realms map to other facets of Zen and Buddhism such as the Three Treasures, the Ten Oxherding Pictures, and the Three Tenets of the Zen Peacemakers Order.

Includes lunch and periods of zazen/reflection along with the highly interactive workshop time.


Roshi Ryodo has offered classes and workshops on the Three Step Zen method at ZCLA, to other dharma groups over zoom, as continuing education for California therapists, and as a California prison offering.

What participants have said:

“So much information about the topic of Mindfulness is available – however, this course really connected the dots for me and provided me with a true ‘AHA’ moment.”

“Learned more about Mindfulness than all of the other books I have ever read or workshops taken. Thank you Roshi Ryodo .”

“This is one of the best mindfulness training classes I’ve ever taken. The Three Steps are practical and direct.”

Zoom Participants:

$40 for Members; $60 for Non-Members


In-person Participants: 

Click here for pricing.


The Zen Center policy is to turn no one away for lack of funds. If you have concerns about payments click here to request Dharma Training Fund. If you have any other questions, please contact Myoki at


Roshi Kipp Ryodo Hawley is a lineage holder in the White Plum school of Japanese/American Zen. He has practiced Zen for 45 years and was certified as an independent teacher by Roshi Egyoku Nakao of the Zen Center of Los Angeles in 2007. He is the originator of the Three Step Zen method, which he has taught since 2002, and currently serves as President of the White Plum Asanga, the affinity group of the dharma successors and descendants of Taizan Maezumi Roshi.