2025 Winter Jukai Class Series

Led by Sensei Tom Dharma-Joy Reichert

Saturdays • February 8 & 15 • 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Zoom & In-person

“To take refuge in the Three Treasures means to reveal yourself, your life, as the Treasure.”

-Taizan Maezumi Roshi

In this two-class series, we will explore jukai – receiving the Zen Bodhisattva Precepts and vowing to live an awakened life.  We will pay attention to our lineage and ancestors, with special attention to ZCLA’s founders, founding family and our teachers’ teachers.  We will also look at the practices of Gassho and bowing, and the Verse of the Kesa.  Finally, we will consider the requirements to receive jukai, the rakusu, and the ceremony itself.

If you wish to receive jukai, this is a required class, but our exploration will encompass more than the ceremony, and everyone is welcome to join us.  The pre-requisite is to have taken the precept class at some point before this.

Zoom & In-person Participants:

Members: $50 full-time

Non-Members: $75 full-time

The Zen Center policy is to turn no one away for lack of funds. If you have concerns about payments click here to request Dharma Training Fund. If you have any other questions, please contact Myoki at programsteward@zcla.org.

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Sensei Tom Dharma-Joy Reichert is ZCLA’s Abbott, Head Priest and Preceptor. Click here for full bio.