Aspects of Zen Practice
One Sunday a Month
In-person Only • 9:35 am to 10:40 am

The Aspects class takes place once a month during our Sunday morning program. Each month, one of the four topics in the Aspects series is covered. Participants leave the Zendo after the first period ends (9:35 a.m.) and proceed to the Buddha Hall. The class ends at approximately 10:40 a.m., in time for participation in the break before the dharma talk/next program. Aspects #1: Forms of Zendo Practice. Begins with a check-in on the participants’ sitting practice, taking any questions that may come up. Covers forms of zendo practice at ZCLA: a review of zazen and the postures of the body, breath and mind; the practices of breathing, shikan taza, and koan; the role of Face-to-Face; and the student/teacher relationship. If time permits, the class goes over some basics of zendo procedure. Class ends with a recitation of Dogen Zenji’s Fukanzazengi. Handouts: Fukanzazengi and Zendo Protocol. Aspects #2: Service, Liturgy and Lineage. Discusses how service is conducted at ZCLA, including the basic meaning of the parts of service and the role of ritual and ceremony. Mentions practices that link service to events in the world. Discusses our Temple Lineage and Women Ancestors. Text: ZCLA Sutra Book.Aspects #3: Everyday Life as Practice. Explores the Three Treasures, the Three Tenets and the Precepts as guides for living every day: with family, social life, and everyday tasks. Makes the point that the Dharma teachings are inherently practical as well as spiritually profound. Introduces the basics/purpose of the Sangha Sutra. Handouts: Precepts (Day of Reflection document)and a one-page version of the Statement of Right Conduct. Aspects #4: The Organizational Structure of ZCLA. Discusses the evolving structure of ZCLA. Goes over the Zen Center’s organizational mandala (the Five Buddha Families and the sub-components of each), Shared Stewardship, the ZCLA Mission and Vision Statements, Core Values, Core Practices, and the decision-making structure of ZCLA. Handouts: the ZCLA Mandala, the ZCLA Core Values document, including the Mission and Vision Statement..