Dharma Training Fund Request Form
Submit request using the form below.
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The Dharma Training Fund allow us to help students and others to participate fully in all of the Zen Center’s offerings even if they are a little short of funds. The Dharma Training Fund also supports the programs that we offer. In 1967 Maezumi Roshi founded the Zen Center, planting the Buddha seed in Los Angeles. His call to us is to not let this Buddha seed die in America. It’s up to all of us to ensure that the Buddha seed grows and flourishes in each new generation. Zazen changes lives, awakens us to our true nature and encourages us to serve others. This is why it is more important than ever for the Zen Center to reach out to as many people as possible.
At the Zen Center of Los Angeles, we encourage everyone who enters our gates to awaken. We know that sincere practice yields wisdom, compassion, equanimity, and generosity – in short, it yields good human beings and a better world. This is why it is so important that the Zen Center policy is to turn no one away for lack of funds and why we encourage everyone to practice zazen every day and to participate in as many sesshins, zazenkais, classes and programs as possible. The Dharma Training Fund helps to make this possible. Please fill out the form below to submit your request.
(If you have any questions, please contact Myoki at programsteward@zcla.org)