Sesshin/Zazenkai Tenzo Program
The Tenzo position is a practice position. It is pure bodhisattva action because one cares for a practicing community. For the Tenzo, serving the community goes hand in hand with serving oneself. If one is not served, neither is the other. How does one serve oneself as Tenzo?
The Tenzo supports the Sangha and the container of Sesshin/Zazenkai by providing nourishment, not gourmet quality meals. Therefore, the Tenzo takes into account more than the taste of the food in planning a menu. Other considerations are the following: Simplicity and Frugality, leaving no trace, use what is available.
The Tenzo who cooks for a sesshin/Zazenkai will get reimbursed with the same amount of days he/she cooked during another sesshin.
An Assistant Tenzo (if needed) will participate free in the sesshin she/he helps the Tenzo (usually no Assistant Tenzo needed for Zazenkai).
If you are interested, please contact Myoki.