Daily Sitting and Service Schedule
Most of the practice at ZCLA follows a fairly consistent daily routine. It is helpful to know that this is also impermanent and tends to vary depending on the needs of the schedule. In general the days at ZCLA are as follows:
Wednesday through Friday morning
5:55 – 7:00am | Zazen (Sitting Meditation) |
6:30am | Slow Kinhin (you may enter or leave quickly) |
7:00am | Verse of the Kesa |
7:05am | Service in the Buddha Hall |
Wednesday evening
6:45pm | Service in the Buddha Hall |
7:00 – 7:35pm | Zazen |
7:35 – 7:45pm | Outside Walking Zen/Kinhin* |
7:45 – 8:20pm | Zazen |
8:20pm | Closure of the day with Four Vows and 3 full prostrations |
Thursday evening
6:45pm | Service in the Buddha Hall |
7:00 – 7:20pm | Zazen |
7:20 – 7:30pm | Outside Walking Zen |
7:30 – 8:30pm | Check calendar for Thursday evening program. |
8:30pm | Closure of the day with Four Vows and 3 full prostrations |
Saturday morning
8:30am | Service in the Buddha Hall |
9:00 – 9:35am | Zazen |
9:35 – 9:45am | Outside Walking Zen/Kinhin* |
9:45 – 10:20am | Zazen |
10:20 – 10:30am | Outside Walking Zen/Kinhin* |
10:30 – 11:00am | Zazen, ends with Four Vows and bows |
11:00 – 11:15am | Temple cleaning (ca. 15min) |
Sunday Morning
8:30am | Gate of Sweet Nectar Service in the Buddha Hall |
9:00 – 9:35am | Zazen |
9:35 – 9:45am | Outside Walking Zen/Kinhin* |
9:45 – 10:20am | Zazen |
Followed by | Four Vows and three full prostrations |
10:30am | Closing Ceremony |
*You may enter or leave the Zendo during Kinhin.
Beginners Wednesday:
This is an evening to practice being a beginner. Walking into a Buddhist Zen center can be like entering an unknown culture. On Beginner’s Wednesday everyone is welcome to enter the Zen Center gates and begin to learn Zen ritual, protocols, and meditation (zazen). This involves inviting the beginner within each of us to step out of our comfort zone, makes mistakes and adjustments by learning something new. Newcomers to the Zen Center of Los Angeles will be guided through the Wednesday evening schedule, offered Zen meditation instruction, learn some basic Zen forms and rituals, and have the opportunity to speak with a teacher.
Thursday night:
Thursday evenings (biweekly) we sit for one period, then we go down to the Dharma Hall to listen to a Dharma Talk by one of our teachers, or a talk by a student. Please check the Bulletin Board or read the “This Week” email for special events and the Ceremony of Atonement calendar.
Saturday mornings usually follow the routine above and end at 11:30am The Day of Reflection has a slight change of the routine. Please check the Bulletin Board or read the “This Week” email for special events and the Day of Reflection calendar.
Sunday mornings after the Zendo schedule we meet at 11:00 in the Dharma Hall for a Dharma Talk, a chat, a Public Face-to-Face or special presentation.
In the afternoon there are often classes, workshops, teachings, circles, and so on.
Face-to-Face Meeting and Interviews:
Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings (Zoom/members only): A Senior Teacher (Sensei). Please see your weekly emails for links.
Wednesday evening and Saturday and Sunday mornings (in-person/members & non-members): A Senior Teacher (Sensei) or Senior Student.