Rohatsu Online Sesshin
A 6-day meditation retreat (via Zoom)
Led by Sensei Kyobai Faith-Mind & Sensei Daiki Senshin
Sunday, Dec. 5 (eve) through Saturday, Dec. 11 (eve)
“Sesshin” means “to collect one’s heart-mind.” This online sesshin commemorates the Buddha’s enlightenment, traditionally designated as having occurred on Rohatsu (“eighth day, twelfth month”) and is considered the most important sesshin of our year. Sesshin is highly recommended for deepening one’s practice. The schedule includes zazen, chanting, Face-to-Face meetings with the Sensei’s, dharma talks and time for work and rest. $40 per day for Members; $65 a day for Non-Members.
(If you have concerns about payments or any other questions, please contact