Zen Center of Los AngelesZen Center of Los Angeles

Membership Application

Thank you for your interest in the Zen Center of Los Angeles!
Upon receiving your application someone from the Membership Circle will contact you to provide you with additional information about what it means to be a member of the Zen Center of Los Angeles.

Clilck here for fillable PDF copy


Personal Information

This information will be used for housing purposes during stay-over programs

Membership Category

Mail a check addressed to: Zen Center of Los Angeles, 923 S. Normandie Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90006 Cash may be left in clearly marked dana envelopes in the donation boxes onsite Credit card payments can be processed online or you can call the office during regular business hours, Wednesday-Friday 9a.m.-5 p.m., to leave a card on file.
For Venmo and Paypal, please visit our regular donation page


Work Experience

List three most recent jobs, including your present work:

For more information on Shared Stewardship visit zcla.org.

Practice Information

Physical & Psychological Health

Zen Center:

Disclaimer and Release

Participants in the training programs at Zen Center of Los Angeles may find some aspects of the programs physically or mentally demanding. The programs include physical work and certain other requirements. I understand that I may freely decline to participate in any work which in my sole judgment might be dangerous to my health. I also understand that I may speak with a teacher or senior practitioner at Zen Center to address any difficulties I might have. I understand that my physical, mental, and emotional well-being are my own responsibility and I further understand as a Member that Zen practice and ZCLA programs are not a substitute for therapy. I represent that I am receiving any treatment I consider appropriate, in consultation with medical or psychology professionals of my choice, for any medical or psychological condition(s) I have, and I have disclosed information in this regard on this form. Accordingly, I hereby release Zen Center of Los Angeles, its officers, directors, staff and teachers from any injury sustained by me as a Member in the course of participation in ZCLA programs. Further, I hereby indemnify, agree to defend and hold Zen Center of Los Angeles, its officers, directors, staff and teachers (collectively, “ZCLA”), harmless from and against any and all claims, actions and causes of action, injuries (including without limitation physical, financial, legal and reputational injuries), damages, costs, expenses and losses sustained by ZCLA arising from my conduct or my participation and any other ZCLA program in which I participate.