Exploring the Sacred Feminine: Women’s Leadership in Buddhism

                                                                             REPRESENTATION MATTERS, FIVE BUDDHA FAMILIES BY KSC HATCH

August 7th, 2024 – January 11th 2025


— Pamela Ayo Yetunde, Casting Indra’s Net, 2023
— IIia Shinko Perez, The Zen Priestess and the Snake, 2020
— Hsiao-Lan Hu, This-Worldly Nibbana, 2011
— Bhikkhuni Clear Grace Dayananda,TravelingNunk.org” 2021
— Thanissara, Time to Stand Up, 2015

Why We Are Here? – Weaving Our Divine Energies
Aug 7, 2024 — Wednesday @7 – 8:30 pm PST
(hybrid: zoom and in-person)

Aug 8 – 10 — Thur, Fri, Sat @ 3-6 pm PST
(hybrid: zoom and in-person)

Exploring the Project Questions
Aug 20 – Nov 29 — Tuesdays @ 5-6:30 pm PST
(zoom only)

Manifesting the Sacred Feminine
Jan 10 – 11, 2025 — Fri, Sat @ 3-5 pm PST
(hybrid: zoom and in-person)

Click here to view Timeline & Schedule.

With optional in-person component at Zen Center Los Angeles (scholarships available)
Contact jitsujog@uwest.edu

Open to women, nonbinary, and transgender individuals.
Supported by a Frederick P. Lenz Foundation grant on behalf of University of the West and Zen Center of Los Angeles You may apply for an additional scholarship if needed. 




COST $350 Zoom CEU Course | 22 Sessions

Zoom Registration is closed – in person participation in August at ZCLA is still open (see below).


Click here to register for in-person participation.

$150.00 (suggested donation for August and January session)
$120.00 (Suggested donation for only August sessions)

Select your fee rate from the drop-down menu below and submit payment.

Enter any additional notes regarding your registration including food allergies and arrival date/time:

To Explore: Divine Feminine
Project Questions
1) What is the divine feminine? How can we manifest what we cannot see?
2) What internalized oppression do women in leadership experience?
3) What is the denied feminine? What is the twisted masculine? How do we embody patriarchy?
4) How are the five wisdom energies a pedagogy for leadership?

To gather a group of 5 leaders, 7 facilitators, and 28+ practitioners from a variety of
traditions and cultural backgrounds to empower each other and create connections that
ripple outward and inward for years to come.