Weekend Wander:

Bearing witness to life on the street

Led by John Kyogen Rosania & Dharma-Holder Jitsujo Gauthier

3:00 pm PST Friday, November 15-

12:00 pm PST Sunday, November 17

In-person Only




3 p.m. Friday: Meet at ZCLA

12 p.m. Sunday: Retreat ends


This is a modified street retreat in which we will have the opportunity to bear witness to life on the streets of Los Angeles. Each day we will walk through the city, eat at soup kitchens, sit, walk, rest, practice council, chant, and engage in begging practice. Then at the end of the day we will head back to ZCLA to sleep outside in the garden. We will bring simply our presence as an offering to all that we encounter along with a few simple items.


Important consideration: We will be walking for much of the day and sleeping on the grass in the ZCLA garden.

DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Wednesday, November 6

Click here to register.


If interested, email Jitsujo (jitsujo8@gmail.com) or Kyogen (jrosan@protonmail.com).