49th Day Memorial Service for Sensei Gary Myogen Koan Janka
Sunday, March 9 • 11:00 am PST • Zoom & In-Person • ZCLA Buddha Hall
Officiant: Roshi Mark Shogen Bloodgood
Register using the form below.
Sensei Gary Myogen Koan Janka passed away from Parkinson’s MSA October 25, 2024. He leaves his wife Jill, 3 sons-Bill, David and Freddy, a brother Les and sister Linda. Born in Riverside California, raised in Fontana. He was a U.S. Marine veteran, and champion of civil rights. Among many, many other interests and devotions, Sensei Koan was a long-time resident at ZCLA, served as Co-President of the Board of Directors, and as head of the Angulimala Prison Project. He was also, famously, a lover and nurturer of trees, and planted 650 of them in the ZCLA Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles and throughout Santa Barbara, especially Honda Valley Park. Prior to becoming a full-time Zen priest, Sensei Koan had a full career as a management and organizational consultant, and held a Ph.D. In Human & Organizational Behavior from the University of California at Santa Barbara.
At 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 9, we will hold the 49th Day Memorial Service for Sensei Gary Koan Myogen Janka. We will offer our gratitude for his long and devoted practice and then open the floor to remembrances. Please join us in person or on Zoom.
RSVPS required.
Meeting ID: 592 934 8543
Passcode: Snake25
8:30-9:00 a.m. Gate of Sweet Nectar Service (Buddha Hall)
9:00-9:35 Entering & Leave-Taking Ceremony & Zazen (Zendo w/in-person zazen)
9:35-9:45 Outside Walking
9:45-10:20 Zazen (Zendo w/in-person zazen)
10:20-10:30 4 Vows, Bows, Closing Ceremony
11:00-12:30 p.m. 49th Day Memorial for Sensei Gary Myogen Koan Janka (Buddha Hall)
· Parking limited. Carpooling & street parking encouraged.
· Click here for directions to nearest parking garage.
This event is provided without a fee, but please consider making a small donation to ZCLA to support our programs.