49th Day Memorial Service for Dewayne Gojitsu Snodgrass

Saturday, October 5 • 11:00 am PST • Zoom & In-Person • ZCLA Buddha Hall

Officiant: Sensei Tom Dharma-Joy Reichert

Register using the form below.



At 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 5, we will hold the 49th Day Memorial Service for longtime member and senior student DeWayne Gojitsu Snodgrass.  Gojitsu was a member for over 40 years.  He served as Head Trainee in 2009-10, and was a member of the Board of Directors for over 10 years.  He was very involved in our Angulimala Prison Circle and spent many hours supporting inmates in the local prisons, as well as offering his time in many different capacities at ZCLA over time.  We will offer our gratitude for his long and devoted practice and then open the floor to remembrances.  Please join us in person or on Zoom.

RSVPS required.

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 592 934 8543

Passcode: Dragon24



8:30-9:00 a.m. Saturday Service

9:00-9:35 Zazen (Zendo w/in-person zazen)

9:35-9:45 Outside Walking

9:45-10:20 Zazen (Zendo w/in-person zazen)

10:20-10:30 4 Vows, Bows, Closing Ceremony


11:00-12:30 p.m. 49th Day Memorial for Dewayne Gojitsu Snodgrass

Followed by sangha lunch.


·    Parking limited. Carpooling & street parking encouraged.

·   Click here for directions to nearest parking garage.


This event is provided without a fee, but please consider making a small donation to ZCLA to support our programs.



You will receive an email with your designated service position for the day.