Householder Koan Class Fall Series 2020

$15 a class or $50 for the full series of five classes. If funds are an issue, please contact


Roshi Egyoku will offer another installment of her popular class series based on The Book of Householder Koans: Waking Up in the Land of Attachments. In this series, we will explore the householder koans, mining their compassionate wisdom and receiving what they offer for our spiritual training of being awake in the midst of our very own circumstances. In each class, we will work on one of the koans and explore how learning to sit down in our very own lives is the portal to awakening. The classes will take place on Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. We encourage everyone to buy the book in advance.


The dates of the classes are: October 6, 20, 27; November 3 & 10.


A separate zoom link for registered participants only. For questions or RSVPs, email:

Minimum Amount: $15.00
