Parinirvana Death Cafe

 A Zen Exploration & Conversation About Our Mortality & Appreciation of Life

Sunday, February 11 • 11:00 am PST

Zoom & In-person


“The bright mirror of Prajna Paramita

reveals this coming and going.

The Great Matter of Life and Death

resounds throughout space and time —

throughout the empty eons:

no coming, no going.”

-Roshi Egyoku Nakao

Parinirvana Poem 02/13/2016




8:30-9:00 a.m. Gate of Sweet Nectar Service

9-9:35 Zazen
9:35-9:45 Outside Walking
9:45-10:20 Zazen
10:20-10:30 4 Vows, Bows, Closing Ceremony


11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Parinirvana Death Cafe


Following our regular Sunday program, we will hold our first “Parinirvana Death Cafe.”  During this cafe, Sensei Katherine Senshin Griffith and Conrad Butsugen Romo will lead the sangha in an exploration of our own mortality and celebration of life. Participants are encouraged to bring a favorite poem, short story or song to share.


No registration needed.

All are welcome to attend.


Our Parinirvana Service will be held Saturday, February 10 @ 8:30 a.m. in the Buddha Hall.

Curious about writing your own death poem? Click here to listen to a teisho by Roshi Egyoku on how to do so.

The main point is an honest/humble expression of how you regard your life:

  1. What have you done with your life?
  2. State how long you have lived.
  3. Express your feeling as death approaches.
  4. Express your understanding of the truth/zen.

Please reach out to Myoki,, with questions or concerns.


This event is provided without a fee, but please consider making a small donation to ZCLA to support our programs.