Golden Wind Online Sesshin
A 6.5-day meditation retreat
(held via Zoom)
Led by Roshi Egyoku, Sensei Kizan Shogen & Sensei Daiki Senshin

Sunday, October 10 (eve) – Sunday, October 17 (morning)

Everyone is invited to participate in this six and a half day online sesshin. The sesshin will include dharma talks, zazen periods, reading of Dogen’s Genjokoan, services and face-to-face opportunities with the teachers. You will have time to eat, walk and do your own samu (work) at home, then link back into the sesshin schedule.  This particular sesshin will culminate in the Head Trainee Hossen (Dharma Combat) of Nem Etsugen Bajra.  $40 per day for Members; $65 a day for Non-Members.

Oct Sesshin Schedule 2021

(If you have concerns about payments or any other questions, please contact

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